I want you to live your most full and meaningful life.
Making life look different
There is a message that is pervasive throughout our culture; "You are not enough". It's how big brands sell us products and how families try to encourage their children to aspire to greatness. It's in the movies that we watch and the magazines that we read.
We've heard this message enough that it has become woven into our day-to-day lives. We make many choices hoping that we can some day "be enough" and that we can finally slow down.
In the modern mind and the modern relationship, it is a burden we carry with all too much priority.
I joined this field because for the longest time, I have seen this pressure mount in so many amazing people that it kills their spirit. It's my mission to help as many people as possible realize that they are "enough"; that it's okay to want for more but to do so without running away from the "not enough". Rather, toward fulfillment.
Over the years, I've studied the research, applied the lessons and carved a path for myself and for many clients.
Let me help you find your path. Let me help you love the life you're living in.
Our practice
Years ago, my wife Melissa and I opened Riverpath Counseling Colorado to support couples, families, and individuals through some of their toughest times. Over the years, we've continued to find success in helping people feel comfortable and cared for through sometimes-rough waters; we've been there to celebrate successes; we've seen kids turn into flourishing adults; we've helped couples turn their relationships from falling apart to fully alive. We've developed the special tools to help people evolve into their best selves.
We believe that you should be treated like family: with kindness, caring, and respect. Over the years we have made that a priority and it continues to be one today. That's one of the reasons, for example, we call you back and respond to your emails as quickly as possible.
Through that deep connection of respect and trust, we can be successful in helping you identify where you'd like to be, what's keeping you from getting there on your own and to help you clear the path to your successful you. Importantly, we do all of this together so that you never feel broken and that you never give up control of your own life.
A bit more
My Style
Over the years, I've been given some generous compliments from clients that describe me as a therapist and may help you decide if we're a good fit for one another before actually meeting me. People have told me that I am:
Easy to talk to
Warm and caring
Someone they'd like to get coffee with
A part of the family
Smart and witty
Actually helpful
Very, very humble (okay, so I wrote that one... it's very weird to write about myself).
I'm one of your neighbors; a regular family guy that just happens to be a therapist for a living. My office is a place for you to feel comfortable, trust in our relationship and learn to laugh at ourselves. We do this all while growing, changing and learning the skills that will help you live the life you want long into the future.
For those of you who are well-versed in the therapy world, I practice both from an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy approach and an Attachment-Based couples approach (EFT). I believe that the hybrid of these approaches cover your life from past to future in an understandable and organized way.
Bachelors of Science in Psychology, Northeastern University
Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Georgia State University
National Certified Counselor #
Licensed Professional Counselor (CO) #0013027
AcuDetox Specialist (CO)
I believe that, while my collegiate and graduate education are enough, I should always be learning more to better care for my clients. While it is impossible to list all of the books I have read, articles I've consumed, and trainings I have done. Please know that part of my commitment to clients is to always continue learnings.
My Education & Licensing
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